Rental Support Services
ISO Accreditation

ISO Accreditation

The Rental Support Services (RSS) management team is committed to ensuring that RSS becomes the de facto standard in quality. Our objective is the institutionalisation of corporate values where quality is considered in parity with the RSS ethics triangle of Professionalism, Integrity and Ownership.

Rental Support Services has been ISO accredited since 2016 and has recently been recertified
ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management System).

This ISO Standard requires RSS to demonstrate to our customers an ability to deliver pre-determined and customer centric services. This service delivery is achieved by maintaining a system which is focused towards enhancing and optimising customer satisfaction through operational, management and support functions within the organisation, working in concert to achieve certain objectives. In compliance with the Standard, RSS continually improves and manages a competent workforce in furtherance of business processes including:

  • Determining the requirements of our customers.

  • Designing and developing service delivery according to these requirements.

  • Purchasing the necessary “tools” to realize these requirements.

  • Controlling service creation processes by suitable means.

In addition the Standard requires RSS to consistently measure, analyse and improve its performance, whereby:

  • Customer satisfaction levels will be measured.

  • Systems will be audited for conformance and effectiveness.

  • Service characteristics will be measured to ensure conformance and non-conformance control.

  • Corrective and preventive actions will be implemented to mitigate and prevent non-conforming services.

Rental Support Services (Pty) Ltd ISO9001 Accreditation